Ray Jacob’s Whitetail Deer Hunt in Millville, NJ

November 20, 2004

Saturday, November 20, 2004 was a special youth deer hunt day in New Jersey. I took my 14 year old son Brett hunting in the afternoon. We were sitting in a field of a friend’s property between some large piles of wood chips.
At 4:30pm, Brett tugged on my sleeve and said he saw a large deer coming through the high weeds towards the field. He thought it was a doe, but when it emerged from the weeds we both saw that it was a very nice buck!

The buck continued across the field and I told Brett to let me know when he was ready to shoot and I would stop the buck. He said he was ready and I grunted but the buck kept walking. I grunted as loud as I could but the buck didn’t even look in our direction. The wind was in our face so it probably reduced the sound I was making.

At the edge of the field the buck stopped and lowered his head to feed but only for a moment. As he raised his head back up Brett squeezed the trigger. At 65 yards the buck dropped in his tracks with a high shoulder hit from the 20 guage Lightfield slug. Brett and I began our celebration!

The beautiful 8 point buck was Brett’s first deer and field dressed at 123 lbs. A rather large deer for southern New Jersey. As I walked out of the field to get my truck, Brett said “Happy Birthday Dad!” What a birthday present for a father from his son!

Details of the Hunt
Shot Distance: 65 Yards
Size Of Animal: 8-Point Buck, Field Dressed at 123 lbs
Hunting Method: Bround Blind
Weapon Used: 20 gauge H&R Ultra Slug Gun
Ammunition Used: Lightfield Hybred EXP Slugs
Length Of Hunt: One Afternoon
Guide Outfitter: Private Land
Camo Preference: Realtree Camo