December 13, 2004
I set up in a natural funnel and settled in for some action. After I had been in my treestand for about four hours, it began to get dark. Twenty-five minutes before the end of the legal shooting day, a yearling doe stepped out from behind some brush and proceeded to walk away from me.
She kept looking to her right and I knew something else had to be coming. I got ready and he popped into the open some distance further than did the doe. He was trotting directly away from me and I felt my window of opportunity rapidly closing.
A mouth grunt produced a fleeting neck/high shoulder shot as he just turned his head. I had my gun sighted in for 150 yards, so I put the crosshairs on the high spot of his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. He dropped in his tracks!!!
Details of the Hunt
Shot Distance: | 165 Yards, Little or No Wind |
Measured Score: | 151-3/8 B&C |
Size Of Animal: | 11 Pointer, 190 Pounds Field Dressed |
Hunting Method: | Treestand |
Weapon Used: | Tar-Hunt RSG 12 |
Ammunition Used: | Lightfield Slugs |
Length Of Hunt: | 4 Days |
Guide Outfitter: | Self-Hunt on Public Land |
Camo Preference: | Raven Wear |